Laser hair removal on bikini line

What you should know about Laser hair removal on bikini line.

How many treatment does laser hair removal take?
It is expensive, but if you usually have waxing done, the cost of laser hair removal eventually will save you money. Once the root has been destroyed, then the hair can't grow back... however we have thousands of hairs and they grow at different rates. So, for example, some hairs may be in the "growth" stage, which is the only time the laser can destroy it, and other hairs will be in dormant phases. So even though many hairs will be destroyed, it takes 8-12 sessions to get most of them (depending on the type of laser used)... and you may still have to go back once/year for a touch up. It isn't harmful at all, but it's not pain free (again, it depends on the laser used). You can use a numbing cream supplied by your doctor, though it needs to be put on about 1 hour before you session.

When doing laser hair removal on the bikini line will it get rid of the scars from ingrown hairs?
NO it will not. The laser works with the pigment in the hair follicle and will have no effect on anything else...
There is also another laser treatment that helps with acne scaring and such so you could probabably use that afterward.

Their experience using Laser Hair Removal

Michelle's experience
I've had 2 out of my 6 treatments so far. It HURTS! I've had my legs, underarms, and bikini area done. When you get your bikini area done they do ALL of it! Including spreading your butt and vaginal lips spart to laser all the cracks... It's sorta awkward. After the 2 treatments I've had so far I've lost about 60% of leg hair, 40% bikini hair, and 25% underarms hair. It's because the underarms hair is the thinnest and the leg hair is the coarsest. But the legs are the most painful. The more it hurts the better it works.
I spent this much for 6 treatments in each area:
Legs (toes to bikini)-$2,500
source: click here